I'm officially boycotting Valentine's Day - it's no longer in existence.
Say good-bye to all the benefits reaped you card reading, flower receiving, candy biting, gold digging diamond hussies.
Pffffft - Valentines Day.

Learning to spread my wings and fly among this beautiful world.
Posted by
Lori Bailey
2:39 PM
Hey girl. I totally feel your candy hearts. LOL So much so, that I added the 'bite me' one to my blog. LOL You know what my V-day is? Dinner at the chinese food restairant cause I'm got GIFT CARDS and he's picking me up cause the roads are bad... and it's 'on the way' lol good grief. Not only that, but he's coming from work and will be covered in paint. Wow... really sets the mood. I get to look forward to a night of clothes washing while he's working on water lines at the bar! MEN! PUKE
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