Thursday, February 22, 2007

I am so excited tonight. It's been a great day. The work day seemed to go on FOREVER, but I did get good news after work.
I finally had the oppurtunity to call my insurance company to see if they cover the WLS.
THEY DO!!!! WHIPEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I'm so excited it's hard to contain. I know that I'll have to go through hurdles to get this, but this is much further than I got the last time. I emailed Sylvia at the clinic to let her know it's covered. I cannot wait to get her reaction.
Actually the coverage is pretty good. I pay the first $400 then after that I pay 20% only up to $4000 then after that they'll pay 100%. So if you think about it, the most this $30,000 surgery is gonna cost me will be $4400. I'd get a second job to pay $4400 to be skinny! HELL YEAH!!!!
Ok, I'm gonna go check out all the skinny people on the WLS website.... hopefully my picture will be up there one day!!!! Just think.... I'll be comfortable enough to actually get my picture taken!!!