Ok, so God knows I'm NOT as Christian as I want to be, but isn't it funny how when things are at the worst we expect God to take over. Very rarely do we ever take the time to stop and thank him when things are going great for us......selfishness. We "expect". It's not until things are bad or depressing that we think "Man, I should have been more thankful when things were going great". Well I'm the same, sad to say. Ya think I'd learn a lesson for everything that's happened in my life. I know God knows I'm thankful, sure....but I just don't give him enough credit where credit is due. Times like this.....I wish I would have. I was looking on the net and found this article.....the title of the blog is what it's about. I hope you enjoy the reading as much as I did. Be thankful.....even when things aren't so "great".
"Why does God allow Satan to attack us?"
It is true that God allows Satan a certain amount of freedom (see Job 1:12), but it should be understood that it is Satan's choice to attack God's children (see 1 Peter 5:8). It was never in God's original design for humanity, i.e. Adam and Eve, to suffer attacks from Satan. But, when Adam disobeyed God, humanity was subject to the consequences of sin, one of those consequences being that humanity was open to attacks from Satan.
In a real sense, it is humanity's fault for opening the door to Satanic attack, not God's. Therefore, we cannot blame God that we are vulnerable to Satanic attack. In fact, when Job was attacked by Satan through the loss of his family, wealth, and health, he didn't blame God. Notice Job 1:21-22, "And he (Job) said: Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return there. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord. In all this Job did not sin nor charge God with wrong."
As believers experience the attacks of Satan, they can take to heart the truth of Romans 8:28, "We know that all things work together for good to those who love God..." Therefore, the assumption is that we will experience "good" things and "bad" things, but "all" of these things can be made to be "good" as God works it out. So, even the attacks of Satan can be considered "good" as God uses them in our lives to conform us to Christ, His Son. (See Romans 8:29) Attacks from Satan, along with all other tribulation can actually cause believers to love God more, resist Satan more, practice patience, resist temptation, and grow stronger in our faith in many other ways.
I pray that you will praise God for His abundant protection from Satan most of the time, as well as be thankful for God's plan to make the occasional attacks of Satan "work together for good" for you!
If your interested in more reading like this, the link is http://www.gotquestions.org/
Trust me, when things seem to be going downhill....reading about God makes you feel things will get better.
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Good vs Evil
Posted by
Lori Bailey
6:05 PM
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