Wednesday, March 07, 2007

I'm tellin ya... it's addictive like heroin

Not that I know what heroin is like, but I needed to make a point. Much to my dismay, I've become interested in....... are you sitting? American Idol :wide eyes with a deep sigh: I honestly believe they send vibes through the television set so you'll stay tuned.

The very first season (Kelly Clarkson) I was definitly an avid watcher. It was new and I love music, so yes.... for an hour I sat in front of the TV watching these people get up and sing their little hearts out. After the first season came Clay and Ruppert (I don't think that's right, but he wasn't very memorable), I couldn't stand it any longer. I stopped watching after the first season. Didn't know a thing about it after Kelly.

So this season I decided to watch the tryouts for one reason, and one reason only; to watch people make fools of themselves. And I must admit, that was not disappointing. You just gotta wonder what some of these fools think? I mean... come on. It should be a requirement that these people are mandated to record themselves and listen before they audition. Good Lord. It was a load of laughs though. So after the initial tryouts, I kind of lost interest. It wasn't until the American Idol buzz started at work that I became curious.

I watched another episode to see what all the ho hum was about. I couldn't believe some of the voices of those girls on the show. I immediately became a fan of Gina Glocksen.

She wasn't only talented, but seemed very sweet and genuine. Plus she wasn't a little teeny bopper looking for an easy way to the top. Another thing that I liked about her was her teeth. Yeah, I know.... I'm strange. But she has a BEAUTIFUL smile. I guess being a Dental Hygenist has it's perks. But ya know, here's this girl who has a great career and decides to try out for American Idol. This, to me means she has a dream. I liked her the best...... well, until I heard Lakisha Jones

This is another one. I mean here's this girl going against all odds. Older with a 3-year old daughter trying to make an honest living working at a bank and best yet.... the voice on her sends chills. Now I'm undecided on who I want to win.

Last night I tuned in to the "guys". What a huge disappointment. Good gravy, how in the hell did some of these dudes make it to final round? "When Phil Stacy started his Leanne Rimes song (that in itself was a very strange choice), my mouth hit the floor and it wasn't because of the overwhelming voice he bellowed. It was a mouth dropping "Oh My Gawd, how in the hell did this dude get this far??" The only one that sang decent last night of the guys was Chris Sligh

Now this guy you gotta like. I mean he doesn't even "look" like an idol and you don't even expect this voice when he opens his mouth but yeah.... he's definitly my favorite.

Now the reason why I say that American Idol is like heroin is simply because everyone and their brother is watching it (except my husband... he refuses even though I offered to get on bended knees begging, um yeah... that's it, begging :grin:). Today a few co-workers and I went out for lunch. So we're sitting there talking about the competition last night and the next table there's an older gent (probably in his 50's or 60's) that puts his 2 cents in on our conversation. I had to laugh because he says that he watches it religously with his wife. Now this is funny. Here are a couple of seniors sitting around watching American Idol..... aren't they supposed to be watching CNN or something?

So, um yeah. I guess I'm addicted. I watched it Tuesday night and tonight.... how could I possibly miss tomorrow night when they kick off 2 contestants?? Not gonna happen. All I can say they better not boot my girl Gina or Lakisha (not a doubt that she'll be leaving) OR Chris for that matter. I honestly don't think there's a guy on stage that stands a chance against this group of girls.

We'll see what tomorrow night brings.


Unknown said...

Hey Lori,

Thnx for your comment, but there is no future there. Sad as I am to say, maybe it's for the best. I couldn't handle another let down.

Idols is very addictive, be careful with that. We also have it here in Holland and it takes a life of its own!


Cacie Leanne said...

I totally agree with you! Those are my favorites too. None of the guys other than Chris impressed me at all. I was yawning and could barely watch the whole show. The girls are pretty good. i though they all had good voices, but Gina rocked! She was so great singing Evenenesence last night. That song stuck in my head all evening! I love her. They've never had a 'rocker' especially a chick, win it, and I'd love to see it happen. The two black girls that went toward the end were excellant. I loved when Simon said to the last girl "you're a little tiger, aren't you" LOL She's so perfect though, and already flawless that she may not win it because no one will see her grow through this. She's ready to record. Anyhow! I'm glad you're hooked. I love Idol too!