I've had, what I would consider to be, five best friends in my lifetime....and today only two of them remain.
The first was one that I grew up with and so this friendship was kind of "passed along", per say. My mom and her mom were also the best of friends, so alas.... so did we turn out to be. Until high school. She got caught up in a group of people that I didn't feel comfortable around and then after my car accident and I couldn't "party" it up anymore... I became her pity friend. Not for me. I would say that started the end of our friendship. She and I still talked, still do. But nothing like before. There have been many reasons why I feel that friendship took a different route, too many to list really.
The second girl I worked with about 10 years ago (Gosh, I'm getting old). This was a different type of friendship. I was going through a real tough time in my life and held a lot of anger. I don't even really know why, but I did. She fed that too. Even though there were things I would get angry about, silly things, she would aide me and just get me more worked up. That friendship ended abruptly when she chose to believe a lie that someone had told her. Don't say you're my best friend and then choose to believe something you hear instead of confronting me.
The third was also a girl I worked with and even though we weren't real close at that time, she and I became better acquainted years later. Just recently she decided to end our friendship. Her reasons? She feels that since Joel has come she's been "on the backburner". Sorry. That's the way it should be. But I know why she feels this way. When I was with my ex-husband she and I would talk hours and hours on the phone about anything and everything..... just to avoid conversation or confrontation with him. She was about the only person who listened to me and wanted to hear what I had to say, I mean I had pretty much shut out everyone else after my mom died. Even though she and I were very close, there were some issues and beliefs that we didn't see eye to eye on. I won't go into detail, but I will say she respected me and never became obsessed with trying to make me see things her way. Let me just tell you the situation that happened with Melissa. So, of course I want her there at the wedding.... even though she wasn't as supportive as I felt she should have been when I told her Joel was moving to WV, I suppose as my friend she was worried. But being my friend, I felt that she shouldn't have questioned my judgement and respected me enough to back me up... even if it wouldn't have worked. I would have for her..... actually I did for her at one time. So our work schedules and lives took a different turn and we weren't able to talk as much as we used to. I didn't feel that changed our friendship, I mean surely she knew I was here for her if she needed to talk. So about a week before the wedding she and I spoke on the phone for a bit, the first real time either of us had that oppurtunity to catch up on things. Of course, I asked if she was going to be able to come to the wedding. She stressed that she wanted to but wasn't sure. Her fiance works out of town and with 3 kids, it's kind of hard to get coverage. I suppose this job has him out of town most of the time and they hardly get to spend any time at all together as a family. I thought about how I would feel if Joel worked out of town and I had to give up a day with him for a friends wedding... so a few days later I spoke with her again to see if she had a chance to see if she were going to be able to come. She still didn't know. At that point, I took the oppurtunity to stress to her that even though I would love for her to be there that I totally understood if she couldn't and that it was ok. The day before she and I spoke and she was going to come. I was happy, but then felt badly that she was going to be giving up a day to be with her kids and fiance just for the wedding. I mean, it's not like it was a huge wedding or anything. I asked her to phone me around 11:30 as the wedding began at 1. Of course with me getting ready and all, I knew that I wouldn't remember. It was 12:30 and I'm running late. My cell phone rings. It's Melissa. She's not even near the wedding destination and demands to know why I haven't called. I reminded her that she was supposed to call me and we would make arrangements to meet up. She became upset and kind of blew up at me telling me that I should want her there if she were my best friend and since Joel and I got together things have changed and she knew that this was coming. On my wedding day she does this??? I was upset, but there was no way that I was going to allow her to hurt me.... not today. She hung up on me. Later on our way home I got a message from her apologizing for the way she had behaved but pretty much in suttle words ending our friendship. I decided to sit down and write her a letter and also enclosing photos of the wedding and Faith. That was over a week ago. I even called her cell on Thanksgiving to wish her a Happy Thanksgiving. Still nothing. So, my third "best friendship" comes to an end..... why? Because I'm happy? I just don't get it.
I told Joel yesterday that I was done. It's hard enough for me to trust people, but then to trust them and be betrayed. The less people you trust, the less chance of being hurt.
I mentioned that I've had what I consider to have been five best friends in my life.... I've told you about the betrayl of three...... the only two left are the ones whom I trust the most never to have hurt or to hurt me..... my mother and my husband.
Friends? They aren't all their cracked up to be.......
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Betrayal of a friend....
Posted by
Lori Bailey
11:39 PM
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Hey beautiful Lori!!!!!
Ohhhhhhhhh...your words to me were so friggin sweet, Lori. You have this amazing thing about you that makes me love you deeply.
My right eye is completely blind tonight. Having trouble with it so this is hard to type. It hurts just to read any word let alone a sentence. I will come back tomorrow and read it in Word nice and big.
I am going to bed and taking a Tylenol.
O love you, Lori!!! Don't forget!!!
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