Wednesday, March 29, 2006

My Wednesday Off

Some days ya have off work ya just don't feel like ya get much done, ya know? Other days you feel like its non-stop. Today has been non-stop and I just hate when my day off is like this. Too many things to get done and too little time to do them. I had an appointment this morning at 10am (tattoo..yeah, something ya just can't imagine doin that early? Well I did) and then this afternoon I have this meeting about the "benefits" Faith receives from the state.

Now don't these people think if anything major has happened to my little girl since the last time we met that I would let 'em know? Gosh this stuff gets on my nerves. And to be honest dealing with issues related to a special needs child are intense enough without having to go thru these stupid meetings that the state requires you to do to continue receiving the benefits. I mean, come on. Do the elderly have to attend a meeting to confirm..."Hey I'm still old"? Or does the unemployed have to go to a meeting to confirm...."Hey I still ain't got a job"? No. Go figure. Like the parents of a special needs child need to go in and say...."Yup, she's still has the needs". Pisses me off. I guess I should just be thankful that the state helps kids like Faith and don't get me wrong, I am. But I guess I just don't get these meetings.

Ok, I'll stop bitching now.

It's about
1pm and the house seems so empty. My first day off without Joel bein around. It's kinda lonely. I mean this gives me time to load up the dishwasher, straighten things up a bit and ya know watch the soaps (shhh, don't tell him I said that)....but damn this house is quiet. He is so great. Laugh. Oh God how I laugh with him. He knows exactly what to say and when to say it. I couldn't want for anything more. Wow. When I sit here and think about our relationship it amazes me that I'm actually experiencing something like this. It's awesome. Marriage. Not such a bad word anymore. Actually the word kinda sends those nice warm chills down my spine. I think that's how it should have always been. Ya know things are right when ya get the chills....yup yup. Things are just right.

Ok I complained about not enough time in the day today but yet I sit here on my bum typing in a blog....priorities Lori....priorities.