Well I didn't really think blogging was such a big thing....but I've come to realize that having a place to write (or in this case type) how your feeling is a good thing. Lots of times I've wanted to write down how I was feeling but somehow seems worthless if your the only one to read it, eh? Ah hell, why not let strangers read your deepest and most intimate thoughts..LOL
So I reckon I'll start the blog by telling you a bit about myself. I'm 32....grrrr, scratch that....33 (God, I'm getting old!) and I live in West Virginia. I have a special needs daughter who just recently turned 7. Her birthday is Christmas Eve, mine is Christmas Day. Yup, we guzzle the eggnog. LOL. Not really. I recently ended a 13 yr relationship with her father. Very hard....the relationship that is. Ya know they never start that way, but boy when they go downhill it sure don't take long for them to crash...if ya know whadda mean. Anyways in the long run either him or I were happy. We were staying together for her...at least I can say I was. Unfortuntely went into debt before realizing all this (life lesson #...ummm, ah hell too many to keep track). The relationship ended long ago but I just found the strength in October to take the steps to move on with my life. Someone special came into my life, as a friend, and told me that I shouldn't have to "settle" regardless of my situation. Ended up this "friend" was the man I've searched for my entire life. My True Love, my Soulmate. Yeah yeah....roll your eyes. Believe me, I was the most negative person when it came love. I mean, I wanted to experience True Love. But I had come to the conclusion that I would never have the pleasure of that experience. Until him.
We both started speaking on a friendly basis and making sure that the other knew that friendship was as far as it was gonna go. We met online. Yeah, yeah...roll your eyes again. Hey I know it's strange, but it's sure a helluva lot better than meeting someone at a bar and trying to evolve a relationship from that. HELLO??? At a bar. Intoxicated. Blurred vision. Slurred speach. Now roll your eyes at meeting online. HA...never thought of it that way, did ya? Anyways...one thing led to another and before we knew it....feelings were developing. He's the only man I've ever met. All the others were just practice for the "Big Kahuna"....now THAT is what I'm screamin!!!
I work for a local power company. Love it. The people I work for are awesome and even upper management rocks. The only thing that sucks is the people calling in whining cuz they ain't made one payment on their electric bill in like a year....no shit...a year. I'm can first hand witness this. Anyways, can't go into much detail on that...I've plead the 5th. I'm like the 3rd monkey...speak no evil.
Other than that, my life is pretty simple. Just the way I like it. The less drama in my life, the better. Somehow tho it seems like drama just seems to follow me. So on a day that is the "same ol, same ol"....I'm pretty damn grateful for that. No drama = no stress. There's too much stress in my life that is beyond my control so at the times I can do anything to avoid such....I will.
There ya have it...my life in a nutshell. Nothing exciting.
My final comment???
Monday, March 20, 2006
Blog this....
Posted by
Lori Bailey
7:18 PM
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