Hit rewind, would ya? I just don't understand why the weekend flies by and the dang week goes so slow...Monday especially. I hate Mondays. Always have. Nothing good happens on Monday. To top it all off they are having a "social" at work tomorrow and guess what? It's Monday. Grrr. Now if I recall corretly the last social, which was held on Monday, is the time I cooked up some of them lil wieneys in BBQ sauce and only made it a block from the house till they all did a kasplack (k'a sp la ck) right on the floorboard of the passanger side. I was so damn pissed, besides the fact that I was runnin late...which is prolly why that did that kasplack (k' a sp la ck) to begin with. I said curse words that even I didn't know the meaning for! Now tomorrow....I'm taking meatballs. Lotsa nerve, eh? This time I've got it covered....literally. It's called "Duct Tape". The man's most powerful tool. Hey if men can use it for anything and everything then by God I'mma use it to tape my damn lid down on the crock pot. Speaking of crock pot... brings back to when the accident occured (ya know, kasplack). I told one of the fellas at work that I needed to get me a strap-on for my crock pot. Oh My God. I thought he was going to fall out of his chair he was laffin so hard. But ya know what I mean...those fancy crock pots Wal Mart sells where the lil strap goes across the lid? Those are awesome. I'mma get me one of them, you watch and see. And of course after he starts laffin at me the way he did, I couldn't help but to have a lil fun about it. LOL. Hell I might as well...it was at my own expense, right? If ya can't have a good laff at yourself every once in awhile then chances are that your gonna live a very long and boring life. Hell, I'm my best entertainment sometimes....as I've been told....I'm so "blonde" sometimes. Well DUH. Gesh. All that matters is that he loves me and wouldn't have me any other way....well perhaps a redhead.
Ok, better hit the bed....6am comes mighty early.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Hit rewind, would ya?
Posted by
Lori Bailey
11:05 PM
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