Well I have a "fixin". I need another tattoo. Thought long and hard about this one. The one I have was on a whim. It's on the back of my neck/upper back. I knew I wanted a sun/moon tat but wasn't sure exactly the specific design. This is how it turned out.
Not too bad. This next one will "mean" something. Since the blog speaks of how my life has taken such a turn over the past 1 1/2 yrs then I've decided on a butterfly hatching from the caccoon. Here's the picture we found:

Only Joel is going to modify it a bit, he's going to draw it up and I'll take that in for them to go by. Not only will his drawing be on me, but I'm also going to have names incorporated in with the tattoo. I'm going to have my Mom's name in the body of the butterfly, Faith's name on one wing and Joel's name on the other. This signifies that these are the people in my life that have made me who I am today.... from caterpillar to butterfly. It will be posted as soon as it's complete. I'm much more excited about this one!
Wow! You have a tattoo! Did it hurt when they did that thing on you? I'm scared of needles:( I had my ears pierced though (for earrings), it was painful coz my cousin did it! I was 11 years old then. I told myself that would be my 1st and my last.
Oh yeah it hurt. Especially on the neck area, more tender. But it was a "fun" pain, if that makes sense. LOL. They always say, after one you want more... and their right. I'm thinking about getting this next one on my leg, between my ankle and my knee area. I also used to have my eyebrow pierced, but it wouldn't heal up properly so I let it grow over. It didn't hurt when it was done, but hurt when it got infected. My upper ear is pierced too, took awhile for that one to heal up. I'm thinking my next piercing will be the cartilage part of the ear as you enter the ear (http://www.pleasurable.com/assets/images/db_images/db_ear23.jpg) as shown in this photo. Hey gotta enjoy some self inflicted pain sometime :)
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