I recently read this article in the news....... it sickens me to even see this man alive, let alone walk away in cuffs. That isn't justice.......
Thursday, July 26, 2007
My Biggest Fear
Posted by
Lori Bailey
8:55 AM
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
That Sigh of Relief
Well the test is done and over with.... I passed after a grouling 3 hour call test. Two tests down and now waiting on reference check and background check, other than that looks like the only other obstacle is the interview. The testing administrator advised me that they have interviews booked for the entire month of August, which means it looks like my interview wouldn't be until September. That sucks, really sucks. I was stoked about passing the test, but quickly brought down by finding out that I may have to wait 2 months for the interview. Meanwhile I've pretty much decided that I'll have to keep looking, take whatever comes along and then see how it turns out.
Needless to say the next week or so I'll be shipping out more resumes. Job hunting sucks.
Posted by
Lori Bailey
11:21 PM
Testing, Testing 1 2 3
Ok, I'm freaking out and I need something to do to occupy my time.... thus, the blog entry.
I go for my second test in 2 hours and I'm finding that my stomach is doing tumblesaults. I haven't wanted anything like this for a long time, well since I met my husband online and was waiting for him to move to West Virginia. Ahhh, the memories.
So far, I've defeated Rome (online game I've been playing), folded 3 baskets of laundry (while watching the Price Is Right), put away groceries, done 3 loads of laundry and barely got down a cup of coffee.
We did get a call from Joel's dad last night advising us that he would be in next weekend, not this weekend. That gives me a bit more time to get things here at the home front situated for their visit. It's also good because my family (2 aunts, my cousin and her baby) is coming in this weekend. I was a bit concerned how I would manage to visit with everyone in just one weekend. It's bad in another sense because Joel is scheduled to work that Saturday, but he's going to talk to his boss and see if something can be worked out. I hope so, I have no clue how I would manage to entertain people I don't know much about. I'm sure I'd come up with something, but I would want it to be something they would enjoy doing. We'll see.
Ok.... times a tickin, I'm off to shower and test. ACK!!!! I'm scared!!!
Posted by
Lori Bailey
12:25 PM
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Staying Busy
Cleaning is tough. I would NEVER want to do it for a living! I simply cannot wait to get back to work.
Joel's family is coming for their visit this weekend. I'm nervous. They'll be in Friday night and from my understanding staying through Sunday. Not only are they coming in, but my family from North Caroling and Ohio are coming as well. Don't know how I'm going to manage that. Too many people to visit in a very short time. Wish our house was big enough to have them all over, but I just can't see how that would be possible. If our back area was cleaned up a bit we could probably manage a nice cookout, but finding out we have family from both sides coming in the same weekend at the last moments notice simply will not make that possible.
I'm trying to get the house organized and even though I've gotten a lot accomplished there just doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day. Of course I could probably be doing something more productive then blogging right now, but hey... everyone needs a break! I couldn't do much this morning because I had to run a few errands and had an interview today. Tomorrow is another day that I won't be able to accomplish much. I take my 2nd test for Verizon. THAT, I'm really nervous about. The interview went well today, perhaps too well. It's a good job, a secretary for the community career center. Contract job from August 2007 to July of 2008 with the possibility of becoming full time. The only negative issues are the hours. I'd be working from 3pm-9pm and I just can't see how that would be possible with Faith. I just hope that I find out about Verizon soon, before possibly hearing back from the career center. I don't want to turn anything down that would benefit this family. The career center job (because it's contract) doesn't offer benefits, so that's another negative. But it does pay well, very well for this area. Joel went for his interview yesterday at the college. He says it seemed to go very well, but he's not getting his hopes too high (he doesn't want to get bummed if he doesn't get a call back). They did mention the possibility of him being able to take classes while working to earn his degree. THAT would be awesome!! I would so love for him to achieve that. You'd think with everything he knows that he had a degree, but he doesn't. That would just be the icing on the cake.
I'll update later on about the job search and about the family visit.
Posted by
Lori Bailey
4:31 PM
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
My Next Tattoo
Well I have a "fixin". I need another tattoo. Thought long and hard about this one. The one I have was on a whim. It's on the back of my neck/upper back. I knew I wanted a sun/moon tat but wasn't sure exactly the specific design. This is how it turned out.
Not too bad. This next one will "mean" something. Since the blog speaks of how my life has taken such a turn over the past 1 1/2 yrs then I've decided on a butterfly hatching from the caccoon. Here's the picture we found:

Only Joel is going to modify it a bit, he's going to draw it up and I'll take that in for them to go by. Not only will his drawing be on me, but I'm also going to have names incorporated in with the tattoo. I'm going to have my Mom's name in the body of the butterfly, Faith's name on one wing and Joel's name on the other. This signifies that these are the people in my life that have made me who I am today.... from caterpillar to butterfly. It will be posted as soon as it's complete. I'm much more excited about this one!
Posted by
Lori Bailey
4:00 PM
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Days of Dull
I miss working. Never thought I'd think that, but I do. I'll now be unemployed almost a month. It's killing me. The house looks real nice and the clothes seem to be getting laundered more efficiently, but I miss work.
I'm counting on July 25th. I take the second testing for Verizon. I will be absolutely crushed if I don't pass that test. I've had a few interviews, but I'm really holding out for Verizon. I'd hate to take a job and be there less than a month to take a better job. It's getting stressful financially to think about "what if". What if I don't get on there, then what? Ugh, it's driving me crazy already!!! The plus side to not working is the fact that I can start immediately. That has to be good, right?
Other than that my day is filled with laundry, dishes, dusting, vacuuming...... OH LORD!!! I'm officially a "housewife". Next thing I know, I'll be exchanging recipes with the women's auxiliary!
I've got to get this job. I NEED this job.
Posted by
Lori Bailey
1:48 PM
Thursday, July 12, 2007
My Trip to the Lawyer
An update on the latest events.
We were finally able to obtain the name of a lawyer who handles cases of special needs children. Unfortunately not local, but within the state. Today we drove to Charleston (about a 2 hr drive) to talk to him. The plus of this is that he is within the state, which means he's very familiar with the special education laws.
We provided him with school records (that of which we were charged $62) and medical records from Faith's PCP and Neurologist. We were in his office for approximately 2 hrs explaining the circumstances and issues. He took notes and told us that he needed to review the paperwork and would get back to us. He asked several questions and seemed to "gasp" at some of the statements we repeated that have been made by staff and the BOE.
He asked if we had come to the consultation as a "just in case we need him" or if we were asking him to file the complaints on the board to the state. I advised him that we would handle the complaints alone, that we had an advocate assisting us with those. I advised him that I wanted to proceed in full force, taking the Board of Education to court and demanding that Faith receive an aide.
Please keep us in prayers as we await his response.
Posted by
Lori Bailey
7:18 PM
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Busy, Busy, Busy
Now that our Poker Run has come to an end (till next year, that is) things have settled down a bit. Still lots of stuff going on but at least the event was a success and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves; to us, the most important thing was getting the message out but was so awesome to see everyone have so much fun!
Like I said, lots has happened. Friday was my last day at the nursing home. I resigned. They advised me that I would take on another role/duty as "HR Assistant", but yet no pay raise to go with these extra duties. Congrats HR Director.... "here's your sign". Ya just can't throw a bunch more work on a person, not give them a pay increase and expect them to stick around for more torture. Well, at least I didn't. I'm a good, hard, dependable worker and how dare they make me feel any differently, in the meantime the HR Director gets double my salary yet I'm doing 25% of her job. Eh. I don't think so. My husband was wonderful and supported me through the entire thing, actually if it had been up to him he would have cheered me to walk out without a notice, but walking out with a notice was a leap enough for me. I've worked since I was 15 yrs old and have only held 4 jobs with 2 yrs being my shortest term. Heartland has officially broken this record. That bothers me.... alot. But deep down I know that I'm better than this and it seems like because of the way things are run at the facility, job security wasn't one thing I would have been 100% sure of. Things happen for a reason (wise words from my husband). Where one door closes, another opens (wise words from my MoM).
I did test for Verizon this morning and PASSED!!!! Yippee!!!! I always swore I'd never do call center work again, but after doing it for so long and being away from it a year; well walking into that call center this morning felt like "home". It's what I know and what I know I do well. I believe that I excel at any job, however when you do something for that long then you tend to favor familiarity. My next testing is scheduled for July 25. So, I will take this break and get things on the homefront straightened around and sorted.
Joel found out last week that his Dad and Grandmother will be paying a visit within the next 2 or 3 weeks. That's exciting! I'm excited that Joel will be able to spend some time with his Dad and Grandmother; I, on the other hand, am a nervous wreck. Not so much about Grandma (fellow females in a situation like this tend to bond no matter what), but Dad? Well, he's a different story. I've talked to him before and he's really enjoyable but for some strange reason, I'm a ball of nerves. I just hope they like me and don't ask "What in the world does Joel see in her???" I don't know them that well, I know they wouldn't think that; but you know... I'm still scared.
I'll try to update more often now that things have settled a bit. The photos are on our website of the Poker Run, please take the time to visit when you can!
Posted by
Lori Bailey
12:09 AM